MOVIE-LORE- contd from James Bond 007 Part I.
*Sean Connery **(Aston Martin) |
- Part II : In need of a 1mn $ to start filming,after procuring d Rights from writer/creator Ian Fleming, but none of d American prod & studios relented saying 007 was too British & blatant portrayal of sexism associated with 007. Finally d producer's Broccoli & Saltzman finally cut a deal with United Artist along-with their company Danjaq/EON, Saltzman would b d co-producer till 1975, Broccoli became d sole prod in 1995 later to b managed by his daughter & step-son in-charge.
- From their 1st production of Dr. No (62) to 'For your Eyes only (81) UA solely distributed all OO7 Eon films, later after take-over of UA by MGM d MGM/UA Entertainment Co distributed till 1995. In 1997 UA ceased to b a mainstream studio, MGM from 1997-2002 solely distributed & 2007- to d Present, Columbia & MGM co-distributed d Franchise, as Columbia's parent Co d Sony Pics consortium bought MGM in 2005. After MGM went bust & a % was acquired by Spyglass, but d deal is kept covert.
- In mid-1961 (6) actors were short-listed from contest to play Bond & were screen-tested by Broccoli, Ian, & Saltzman. An actor named Peter Anthony though d finalist couldn't cope with d character, & finally *Connery was asked to play Bond, thus d 007 journey to shine in d annals of Cinema history. Little did d whole crew of Dr No knew that this was d beginning of d world's most successful Spy 007 Franchise was at d threshold of immense success, & ahead of Harry Potter & Star Wars series, (inflation) adjusted & not ignored. D Guinness World Records has put it in d inflation adjusted record.
- So inching towards success d Franchise would go on to make 12+ bn $, from its (23) 007 films till date, & d movies with romancing exotic beauties, hottest gizmos, classy cars like d **Aston Martin shown above, & d horrific & suave villains were going to change d future of British film-making, keeping HMS & d British flag flying in a world where Pan-American Hollywood rules all aspects of d Movie Biz.
- Part III 2 b contd....
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