Movie-lore. History of A.M.P.A.S. (Evolution of d Honorary Org & d foundation of d Oscar Award) Part-1.
Oscar winners (montage) Misc-I |
Oscar Winners (montage) Misc-III |
Oscar winners (montage) Misc-II |
History of d Academy Awards or d Oscars from its founding year to d present (2011). Part I.
- D Academy Awards became a symbol of pride for all Professionals of d Movie Industry. Never has there been a break or a year when d Award was not given,unlike d Olympic games, & other awards like d Pulitzer which is sometimes not awarded due to d absence of any novel, musical, press, & other categories having d quality to receive d award that year. Therefore a gala event was held each Spring & d continuity of this award was presented even during d 2 World Wars, as d US joined d war after d aerial attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7,1941 by d Imperial Japanese Navy against d US.
- Dedicated to d development of d Arts & Science of d Motion Pic Industry, d Academy's corporate management & general policies r overseen by a group of Governors which includes d members of each craft branches involved with d Industry.
- At present there r around 6000 members of A.M.P.A.S. drawn from all branches of d Movie Industry i.e. both from d technical & performing arts of d Cinema Industry. Membership is strictly by invitation, which d Board of Governor's send though d majority of d members r from Hollywood, Movie professionals from other countries r also invited . Membership eligibility can b earned by professionals earning competitive Oscar nomination or an existing member can submit a name based on other significant contributions to d field of Motion-Pics. These members actively take part in voting to nominate & in d winners of d Statuette by secret ballot in d various categories categories Film-making chosen by d Academy.
- D Governors r elected for 1 yr & can't be in that post if d Governor has completed 4 consecutive terms in that post. New membership is considered annually & d Academy doesn't publicly announce d full memberships,names of new members r named at a Press-release.
- Academy memberships r divided into 15 categories each representing 1 of d Movie related fields. Any member not a part of 15 branches members r accommodated in a category called 'Member's at Large' though they enjoy d same benefits as d members of other branches except d representation on d Board. Members who r close to d Movie Industry but not actively related to Movie production r described as associate members. These members r not represented on d Board & neither can they vote on Academy Awards.
- (A.M.P.A.S. Part II to b contd.......)
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