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2.The Birth of a Nation a.k.a. The Clansmen (1915) Dir: D.W.Griffith.
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4. On d right down image of an early 20th century Sergei M.Eisenstein a Jew of d Soviet.
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Battleship Potemkin (Soviet,27)
D History of Cinema, its various milestones in style & technique that helped its growth into d most imp mode of entertainment d World has ever seen. To learn about d evolution of this form d reference to d early Cinema has to b looked into, d cultural, socio-economic background which catalyzed d growth of Cinema d world-over . 10 stages r very imp to trace d growth of this fine medium.
Early Cinema (1893-1903) .
Classical Hollywood Cinema. (1908-27) .
Classical Hollywood Cinema after d coming of sound.
German Expressionism. 1919-24) .
French Imperialism & Surrealism. (1918-30) .
Soviet Montage (1924-30) .
Japanese Cinema of d 1930s .
Italian Neo-Realism. (1959-64) .
D New Wave- (1942-51) .
The New German Cinema.
D Steps was d condition to adapt to new stylized versions around d World that can b a major step of gradual growth of Cinema as an Art-Form. D Growth of Hollywood as d Mecca of Motion-Pics. D growth from a Carnival device to an imp tool of Entertainment & Media or Cinema as we see it today.
Since d Middle of d 19th Century after d invention of Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope was d 1st step of creating of moving Images.
Cinema, today is undoubtedly d most popular entertainment in any dwelling all over d World. Hollywood has always been associated with more on d mainstream cinema. A Lot of Factors elsewhere in d World has helped in establishing various styles & schools of thought that is followed till d present times. d Regionally based Film-makers-popularize this art-form & therefore without naming these various school of thoughts any on d gradual movement of Cinema which is hi-tech or style though regionally, d basics on whom stands this Art-form from its early days since Thomas Alva Edison, d Lumiere Bros, & d movie-makers such as George Melies, Sergei Eisenstein of Russia, d American D.W. Griffith who made d legendary Birth of a Nation' & 'Intolerance'. Though d previous has been ridiculed for epitomizing d dreaded & fanatical cult group, his movie's has been a topic of great knowledge in d World of Cinema spending 1,10,000 d movie went on to recover millions.In my next topic I shall bring d various styles of Cinema around d World after d Early Cinema's success *D Photos were scanned from d Jerzy Toeplitz & Wikipedia archives.